Tarzan Of The Apes

Edgar Rice Burrows wrote the novel, Tarzan of the Apes, in 1914 and it became an instant classic. It was only natural for radio to adapt a series from this popular book. In 1932, Tarzan of the Apes aired on the radio. This was the first syndicated radio serial and was a huge success. There were three different radio series and Edgar Rice Burrows was very much involved it the productions. The first serial followed the novel closely and was titled the same. The second serial ran from 1934 to 1936 and was called, Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher and the third serial ran in 1936 and it was called, The Fires of Toth.

A new half-hour series called Tarzan debuted in 1951 and ran until 1953. These shows had a 30 minute story, and each story concluded at the end of each show.

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